Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Learn How to Make Money as a Musician

Learn How to Make Money as a MusicianLearn How to Make Money as a MusicianIf youre going to go full-time as a musician, youre going to need to make some cash. You might love what youre doing, but its hard to pay the rent or buy groceries if you dont have some source of music industry income. So how can you make money as a musician without resorting to heading back to your day job? It can take a little creativity as you are getting your music career off the ground. These ideas will get you started. Learning to Make Money as a Musician Most of these ideas arent groundbreaking, and you probably already have thought of at least some. But the key to surviving as a paid musician is to put them all together. Heres how Play Live Playing live is an obvious choice when it comes to making money as a musician. You can make money through show guarantees, door split deals, or even by passing around a tip jar. Of course, if you dont have much of a proven track record when it comes to pullin g in an audience, youre not in a great position to demand large fees. Building up to this will take time. Every little bit helps, though, and even if you go home with $15, take the long-term view and treat each low-paying gig as a step towards increasing your earnings potential. Sell Your Music Well, duh, you think. Of course, you should sell your music, but the trick here is to make sure your fans dont have to look far to find it. Digital distribution is a must, whether you go through an aggregator that places your music all over the net for you or if you approach services on your own, one by one. Selling music at shows is also important. You can sell CD-Rs at shows, as long as you price them accordingly and make it clear that they are CD-Rs when you sell them. If youre pressing physical copies, check out your local record shops to get them in on consignment (some shops also accept CD-Rs). Sell Merchandise Diversifying what you have to sell will boost your earning potential . It doesnt mean get 5,000 t-shirts made at some price that will make your credit card weep. Make your own t-shirts, buttons and badges, stickers, and other merch, and sell them at your shows and on your website. Merchandise does especially well at shows after your fans have just seen you play and are all caught up in the spirit. As long as you keep your overhead down, merchandise can give your income a nice little boost. Play Other Peoples Music The musical talents you hope will form your career can help you make ends meet until the day you get to play your own songs exclusively. Session musician work for other musicians can help you bridge the financial gap and make some extra money. As a bonus, youll be honing your own skills and meeting people who can create opportunities for you. Perform Musical Odd Jobs Okay, so the point here is to move away from your day job however, if you need to make some extra money, doing something music related - even if it doesnt specifically involve your music- is a good choice. Much like working as a session musician, the idea here is to use your knowledge and talents to help other musicians (and get paid for it). Are you a great producer? Get some studio work. Are you a pro at booking shows? Do it for other musicians. Got design skills? Do cover art or websites for musicians or music-related businesses. Tap into your music skills to put some extra money in your pocket. More Ideas to Earn Money as a Musician Combine the following suggestions with the ideas above for a plan that really can help you earn enough money to quit your day job. Promotion, Promotion, Promotion Your ability to make a living as a musician depends a lot on your ability to promote your music. You must make sure people know about your music, where they can get it, when you are playing, and so on. How to Use Twitter for Music PromotionReverb Nation Protect Your Assets Its pretty easy to get taken for a ride in the music industry so, it s always a good idea to get things in writing. If you dont understand a particular deal, seek advice before putting pen to paper. Putting things in writing doesnt have to involve huge lawyer bills. Before You Sign a Music Promoter ContractIndie Label ContractsBefore You Sign a Music Manager ContractDo We Need a Band Contract? Learn More About Going Full-Time as a Musician Everyones situation and goals are different, and ultimately, the only one who can decide if it is time to go full-time as a musician is you. These articles will help you weigh up your options Self-Releasing Albums Pros and ConsBefore You Start a Record Label

Thursday, December 26, 2019

12 Daily Habits to Boost Your Hire-ability

12 Daily Habits to Boost Your Hire-ability12 Daily Habits to Boost Your Hire-abilityA list of 12 tasks job seekers should do every day to get hired.In Part 1 of this series about elevating your visibility, you learned the secret to a successful job search Anonymity is bankruptcy.So, now that youve begun exerting your distinctiveness expressing your vulnerability and acting smart (not like a smarty pants ) lets advance our discussion by exploring 12 daily practices to turn approachability into hire-ability1. Be radically honest. Next time someone says, Hey Karen - hows it going? respond by cheerfully saying, Still unemployed Three things will happenHe will appreciate your candorHe will become one more person aware of your situation,He will become more likely to help you find a job.How many people did you tell you were unemployed today?2. Become the observed.You attend chamber meetings, BNI events, job expos and trade shows to look for job openings, right? Well, let me ask you this W hen was the last time you were the guest speaker?Really? Never? Wow. Try this mail every single c hamber of c ommerce d irector in your city. Tell them you have an educational and entertaining presentation based on your expertise and career history thats perfect for their membership.If they ask what company youre with, be radically honest and say, Actually, Ive been unemployed for six months, and Ive had a lot of time to practice my presentation Theyll love you. And so will the audience, if you do it right.When was the last time you gave a public presentation?3. Blog every single day.By sharing your expertise with the world, you will accomplish a few things (1) Prove to people that you deliver insight, not just knowledge, (2) Boost your web presence, and (3) Accumulate a reservoir of resources to e-mail prospective employers.Example Imagine if, at the end of your thank-you e-mail to someone who just interviewed you, you included a P.S. that read, By the way, Mr. Randall, I wrote a b log post last week about the four biggest mistakes made by HR d irectors. Just a few things Ive learned in my career over the years. I hope I can help your company avoid these same mistakesWhy arent you blogging yet?4. Print business cards.But I dont have a job Whats your point? All the more reason to have your own business card.Make them yourself. Use Vista Print, pay the 50 bucks, and carry a dozen with you wherever you go.Tips Red stands out. Pictures arent a bad idea. And for the love of God, dont use Papyrus as your font. Oh, and bring them wherever you go. Because you never know. Everybody is somebodys somebody.How many opportunities have you missed because you didnt have a card with you?5. Change your e-mail.If your e-mail address contains the letters AOL in it, change it. If you use it, people will prejudge your messages before they read them. People will also prejudge you before they meet you.Heres the reality AOL is for old people, novices and technologically deficient pro fessionals. Dont be one of those people. Get your own Web site, or, if you must, use Gmail.What does your e-mail address say about your professionalism?6. Dont be clever or cute.Clever is using other peoples conversations as springboards for your little jokes that nobody thinks are funny but your cat. It annoys people and wont encourage anyone to hire you.Cute is sending a pink ribbon on your resume because you think it will get you noticed. Nope. It wont. You need to be smart and strategic. Like creating an zugreifbar video resume. Thats smart.How much money is being cute costing you?7. Get up one hour earlier.Single best piece of advice Ive ever been given. And just imagine - at the end of three months, you will have put in more than two extra weeks of time. Talk about outworking everyoneWhat time did you get up today?8. Internetworking gets jobs. Whatever social media outlets you currently use - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, whatever - commit to spending one to three hours ever y single day leveraging those tools.Comment on blogs. Send messages. Connect people. Write killer posts. It doesnt matter which ones you use it matters that you use them consistently.How e-pproachable are you?9. Leverage branding hot spots. If youre making calls and trying to set up interviews day in and day out, its probable youre asked the question, May I ask whos calling? between 10 and 50 times, right?What do you say? Steve Johnson? Rebecca Jackson? Terrible Imminently forgettable. You need to insert your uniqueness. Something like, The Pool Guy, or The Queen of HR You will stand out among the other 300 people that call that day.How many jobs has being boring cost you?10. Set up your Web site.Doesnt have to be fancy. Doesnt have to be expensive. Heres what you doRegister an easy- to-remember URL - hopefully, something simple like www.yourname.com,Get a professional picture taken of you that does not include that overdone pose with your fist on your chin,Publish pillars or bulle t points of your personal philosophy by asking yourself the question, If everybody did exactly what I said, what would the world look like?Include all possible contact links, references, PDFs of resumes and the like.All of this can be done for less than $1,000.Why dont you have a Web site yet?11. Shift your attitude. You may be unemployed. You may be broke. But the reality is, finding a job needs to become your job until you find a job.Let me say that again Finding a job needs to become your job until you find a job. That means structuring your days. That means having regular lunch meetings. That means treating it like any other job.How much television did you watch yesterday?12. Write it first.Now that youre getting up an hour earlier, you can use (some) of that time for writing. My suggestion is to make a list of the Top 100 bewerbungsgesprch Questions You Might be Asked.Every morning, pick three of them out of a hat. Then spend a few minutes writing out your answers. If this soun ds challenging to you, good Thats why you need it.Writing is the great clarifier. Writing is the basis of all wealth. Most importantly, writing makes you better at everything you do. Your interviews will be amazing if youve already thought out - and written out - your answers.What did you write today?Remember When practiced with commitment and consistency, your approachability will be the ticket to your hire-ability.Let me ask ya this..How many job opportunities have you lost because people perceived you as unapproachable?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Low-Tech Solutions Fight Hunger

Low-Tech Solutions Fight Hunger Low-Tech Solutions Fight Hunger Low-Tech Solutions Fight HungerHamid Oubir lives with his family in a small village in northern Morocco. To sell his produce in the market, he has to make his way to the nearest town early in the morning several times a week. If Mr. Oubir wants to prevent his fruits and vegetables from getting spoiled, he needs to make three-hour treks by foot to reach the market. Each time he leaves his field to go to the market he loses money, both in time spent and the cost of travel.Many families in rural areas face the same challenges as Hamid. In developing regions, a quarter of the grains and more than half of the fruit and vegetable crops are damaged due to poor conditions for storage and processing. This is why comprehensive rural development and sustainable agricultural production play a key role in the fight against hunger. However, the lack of access to water and electricity, as well as the absence of facilities to store thei r produce, makes it hard for farmers like Hamid to reduce decayed produce and to provide adequately for themselves and their families.For You Insight from Human SightThe Barsha Pump, powered by a 1.5-m high waterwheel, can deliver up to 40,000 liters of water per day.Simple technological innovations can play a key role here. Startups by social entrepreneurs and university spin-offs are developing interesting solutions around the world. For example, small farmers could store their produce over the long term using simple refrigeration or silo solutions. With storage, the crops could sell more profitably at a later time, and the farmers could continue feeding their families even after the harvest period. This was the inspiration behind Spencer Taylors Evaptaineran electricity-free mobile refrigeration technology that keeps food fresher, longer, and costs less than $30.Hamid Oubir tried out these simply designed coolers. After using the Evaptainer for a short time he reported that he wa s able to save 4-5 percent extra each month. Not only did Evaptainer help keep his produce fresh for longer but also the time he was able to save had a positive impact on his life and productivity.This example shows the impact that simple technologies can have on everyday life in developing regions and how hunger can be fought over the long term in small but sustainable steps. Thus, helping people to provide for themselves and to make the most of what they produce.The Siemens Stiftungs empowering people network pursues the aim of finding social entrepreneurs with promising, sustainable and low-tech solutionslike the Evaptainerto connect them with peers, promote them sustainably and make them visible to potenzial partners. An essential aspect involves making the best possible use of local resources and supporting local small businesses in developing a promising corporate strategy.The network database comprises some 100 tested solutions in nine different categories, from renewable ene rgy to information technologies and education to recycling, water saving, and health. Another focus is on agriculture, with many of the inventors and developers confronting the hunger problem in developing regions.The agricultural solutions within the network extend along the entire agricultural process chainstarting with irrigation technology, which can double the yield if not increase it fivefold. Here, for example, the Barsha Pump makes a valuable contribution. Using the 1.5-m high waterwheel, it can pump up to 40,000 liters of water per day to higher elevations. The drip irrigation system from EOS is a low-cost alternative to expensive trickle irrigation. To reduce costs, EOS has replaced commercial components of the irrigation system with affordable everyday items. For $20 the system can irrigate 50 square meters of farmland. This solution is already in use worldwide.Half the worlds arable land is farmed by small-plot farmers. Their needs, challenges, and working conditions are a key starting point for long-term positive changes. This is precisely where social enterprises using simple technologies make a difference every day, enabling farmers to work more efficiently, act more independently, and improve the living conditions of their families and communities.Rolf Huber is managing director of the board at Siemens Stiftung.Read More3D Printing Trains Bomb-Sniffing Dogs10 Ways GDPR Will Affect EngineersRobots Make Self-Repairing Cities Possible

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

New NOx Scrubbing Technology for Diesel Marine Engines

New NOx Scrubbing Technology for Diesel Marine Engines New NOx Scrubbing Technology for Diesel Marine Engines In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors air quality near port cities (and other locations) and has determined that levels of ground-level ozone in Houston, TX, and Galveston, TX are above the new age threshold, requiring that they be lowered. To reduce these levels, the EPA regulates emissions of ozone precursors, one of which is oxides of nitrogen (NOx).Marine engine emissions are a large contributor to NOx levels, and when combined with rail and road traffic in a concentrated area, the ports become a major source of emissions. Many diesel engines in ship fleets arent replaced for 20 or 30 years, delaying the implementation of newer clean diesel engine technologies.Through a $350,000 grant from the Texas Environmental Research Consortium, and funding by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, beginning in 2008, researchers at West Virginia Univ ersity (WVU), along with environmental consulting firm M.J. Bradley Associates, LLC, developed a new wet scrubbing system for NOx as a retrofit for diesel seestreitkraft engines that can reduce emissions at ports. Scrubbing pollutants from exhaust is not new, but scrubbing applied to mobile NOx sources is.Different from SOx Scrubbing on Large ShipsScrubbing as a technology has been used for decades to capture oxides of sulfur (SOx) in stationary emission sources such as power and chemical plants, and on huge ocean-going marine vessels in Europe, whose heavy residual fuel contains large amounts of sulfur.Diesel emissions.On large ships such as those with the 1,000-1,500 hp, tug-boat sized engines targeted in this study, SOx scrubbing captures sulfur from engine exhaust, creating dilute sulfuric acid as a byproduct. Primitive scrubbers would release it overboard. Modern systems carry additional chemical reagents on-board, such as calcium hydroxide, to react with the acid, like a mobi le chemical plant, which is a costly option. Large ships could use low-sulfur diesel, but refining costs are also substantial due to the high volumes used.SOx scrubbing is generally not needed for smaller harbor marine engines at ports in the United States since the distillate diesel fuel used in these engines has much lower sulfur than in residual fuels of ocean going ships. Also, the use of ultra low-sulfur diesel will be required by the EPA in 2012.Capturing and Destroying NOxWVU and M.J. Bradley expanded the SOx scrubbing concept to develop a new technology involving two stages. First, nitrogen oxide (NO) within the engine exhaust is converted to nitrogen dioxide (no) and partially cooled with seawater, since the NOx absorption improves at lower temperatures. The cooled gas containing more soluble NOx species is sent to a conventional packed wet-bed scrubbing column, producing a weak nitric acid byproduct that is stabilized.Diesel engine.Next, the acid is thermally decomposed an d reacted with a small amount of on-board diesel fuel across an automotive style reducing catalyst, forming nitrogen and water vapor, which are discharged as harmless gasses. No scrubbing liquid is dumped overboard.Only about 1% of additional diesel fuel is needed to react with the small NOx volumes captured, so this technology minimally impacts fuel consumption. No additional reagents are needed other than the same common catalyst that removes NOx from gasoline vehicle exhaust.Since temperatures of around 256 C are required to complete the acid destruction reaction, and catalyst action begins around 250 C, the sealed destruction vessel is made from stainless steel to avoid corrosion from the nitric acid during heating, says WVU graduate student Louise Ayer.The group determined the scrubbing process needs significant waste heat removed, and the destruction process uses heat. So, the system design thermally combines the two processes. With engine exhaust typically greater than 300 C and absorption feasible at 30 C (seawater temperatures), no auxiliary heat is required.Beyond FeasibilityThe WVU kollektiv designed, built, and after design iterations, demonstrated a system that met the target goal of reducing NOx by 40% or morein lab tests on a 12-L, 400-hp diesel engine. Based on modeling, Nigel Clark, mechanical aerospace engineering professor at WVU and his group, believe the system can scale to larger engines and the absorption can be increased with further optimization.The column in the current design is about nine feet tall. Future optimized designs could be as compact as a refrigerator, says Clark. With a lower temperature and more NO2, the scrubbing process improves, he says.A competing technology called Selective Catalytic Reduction, used in trucks built after 2010, uses injected ammonia or urea across a catalyst to remove NOx. The WVU/M.J. Bradley system uses an oxidizing catalyst and diesel particulate filter system to convert about 60-80% of exhaust N O to NO2 before scrubbing begins, and doesnt require end users to carry multiple reagents on-board, making it a potentially more attractive retrofit option in the long run, its designers believe.The next step for Clarks group will be to optimize the design in concert with a field demonstration.Debbie Sniderman is CEO of VI Ventures LLC, a technical consulting company.The column in the current design is about nine feet tall. Future optimized designs could be as compact as a refrigerator.Nigel Clark, mechanical & aerospace engineering professor, West Virginia University

Thursday, December 12, 2019


E-6U.S. Army Administrative Promotion Points for E-5/E-6U.S. Army soldiers can be the recipients of a variety of awards, decorations, achievements, Personal Fitness Test (PFT) scores, and badges for their military service, especially when defending the country in times of conflict.The goal of the Armys award programis to enhance mission accomplishments by identifying excellence of both military and civilian members of the force and motivating them to high levels of performance and service. The awards program allows for an objective grading method for soldiers in the Army in promotable status.A new system of versetzung points was developed in 2011 and updated in 2015.Multiply the number of points authorized by the number of awards receivedAwards and MedalsSoldiers Medal or higher award/decoration 40Bronze Star Medal with V Device 35Bronze Star Medal 30Purple Heart 30Defense Meritorious Service Medal 25Meritorious Service Medal 25Air Medal with V Device 25Army Commendation Medal wit h V Device 25Air Medal 20Joint Service Commendation Medal 20Army Commendation Medal 20Joint Service Achievement Medal 10Army Achievement Medal 10Good Conduct Medal 10Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal 10Armed Forces Reserve Medal (with or without M Device) 10Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal 10Badge Promotion PointsCombat Infantry Badge 30Combat Medical Badge 30Combat Action Badge 30Expert Infantry Badge 30Expert Field Medical Badge 30Master Parachute Badge 20Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge 20Senior Parachute Badge 15Senior Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge 15Presidential Service Badge 15Vice President Service Badge 15Drill Sergeant Badge 15Basic US Army Recruiter Badge 15Parachute Badge 10Parachute Badge 10Parachute Rigger Badge 10Divers badge 10 Basic Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge 10Pathfinder Badge 10Air Assault Badge 10Aircraft Crewman Badge 10Secretary of Defense Service Badge 10Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge 10Army Staff Identification Badge 10Space Badge 10Tomb Guard Identification Badge 10Driver and Mechanic Badge 10 Point ValuesAs you advance your training and skills throughout your career, points for some badges increase. For instance, the basic parachute badge is 10 points, the senior parachute badge is 15 points, and the master parachute badge is 20 points.Promotion points increase through the following levels Basic recruiting is worth 15 points, Gold recruiting is worth 20 points, and Master recruiting is worth 20 points toward advancement and promotion.Hazardous Duty PointsThe Hazardous Duty specialty gains extra points due to the danger involved. A basic parachutist can receive an extra 20 points, a senior parachutist can receive an extra 25 points, and a master parachutist can receive an additional 30 points when in hazardous duty areas conducting difficult training or real-world combat missions.Certificates of AchievementCertain specific achievementsare awarded the fo llowing pointsSoldier/NCO of the Quarter BDE Level 10Soldier/NCO of the Quarter 15Soldier/NCO of the Year MACOM 25Distinguished Honor Graduate 15Distinguished Leadership Award 10Commandants List 5The Army Good Conduct Medal (AGCM)For three years of faithful service by exhibitingexemplary conduct, efficiency, and fidelity,enlisted members are eligible for the Army Good Conduct Medal. However, if the term of service being reviewed for advancement does not meet the three-year term to be eligible for the AGCM, the added points cannot be used for the current promotion board.The period of service is used to determine eligibility for promotion points (orders issued late do not result in a retroactive promotion point adjustment). The date of the order or ending period, whichever is later, will be used to determine eligibility for promotion points on all remaining awards, such as the Army Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, or Meritorious Service Medal.Awards and decorations earned in other U.S. Uniformed Services receive the same points as corresponding/ equivalent Army awards. An online calculator is available to determine your promotion/advancement number.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Things You Should Know About Shipping and Receiving Resume

Things You Should Know About Shipping and Receiving Resume Invoicing software has never been simpler to use. Invoicing gives a professional impression of your organization enterprise to the customer. Format on the application is one of the vital points which ought to be looked at while composing it. Mail Flow Managing the circulation of mail is another important component to developing an efficient delivery and receiving mail center. A warehouse shipping and receiving clerk is somebody who handles a firms distribution. Shipment records are very important. Producing professional, timely invoices for your clients and customers will be certain you make a positive impression, and enable you to keep a firm grip on your organizations state. Other employers are eager to train new hires, but a general understanding of invoices and packing slips could be useful. Some businesses may ask you to get additional experience with private couriers shipping program. The cloud trade invoici ng is just one of the associations thats going to supply you. In the event you must alter a sent invoice be certain to notify client and your business. What You Need to Do About Shipping and Receiving Resume Before Its Too Late Its extremely common for people to confuse cover letter with CV. After you hire your employee, be sure that you properly orient, train and coach her or him. There are an increasing quantity of selections of resumes appearing in the past few years and a few are very valuable. The lack of acknowledgement in partnerships in my personal work is a problem that comes up regularly. The Key to Successful Shipping and Receiving Resume Moderate to heavy physical labor like lifting and moving heavy items is needed on a normal basis. You have the ability to likewise make provisions for future children and pets. The individual ought to be organized and can work well under pressure. Attempt to demonstrate that you simply re a constructive and social individual. The Good, the Bad and Shipping and Receiving Resume Youre basically assuming the function of the patients loved ones in providing love and attention for their parents and other vital individuals. Its possible to work around your requirements and your familys. First and foremost, you have to have the nature and disposition to present honest, sincere and compassionate care for the individual. In other instances, should youre searching for employment that doesnt relate to your prior work experience, then writing a chronological CV may be a disadvantage for you. New Step by Step Roadmap for Shipping and Receiving Resume Businesses can employ a temp worker for a certain number of days and after that offer him a full-time job should they find hes a great worker. In addition, you can look for data entry jobs on Monster. Its integral you dont use the exact same one for every work application because each provider differs. Picking out the proper job application format is important whether you choose to get the wanted job. You also have to make sure your CV stays concise and concentrated on the principal points. Job descriptions should always be updated before you begin the hiring procedure to make certain that all info is current and relevant. Decide on the Resume Cover Letter alternative and decide on the plan you desire. Why it is crucial to maintain a Structure Worker Resume even as you work. Due to the character of the market, many warehouses are open 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Theres wide number of tasks offered in the company and youll be certain to find something to interest you. The ex-felon whos searching for a job can check it out to binnensee if its the kind of work which he wants. Browse the work announcement to work out what exactly is essential for the job youre attempting to get. Possibly work with the incumbent to find a clearer idea of what the job is all about. Creating your video resume is a substantial step in the cont emporary quick paced, digital job market.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Hiring Process Mistakes that May Harm Your Business - Spark Hire

Hiring Process Mistakes that May Harm Your Business - Spark HireThe hiring process is an essential part of growing your company, but sometimes even well-meaning business owners can make mistakes that cause them to lose the ability to recruit top candidates. If youre struggling to land quality talent for your open positions, consider whether youre making some of ansicht errorsWriting vague job descriptionsA killer job description grabs a persons attention and entices them to apply for an open role right then and there. If your job description is lackluster and vague, dont be surprised if a potential candidate skips over it and continues to browse. Give the description some personality. Let your companys brand shine through. Offer valuable insight about what the job youre hiring for actually entails. Spending some time writing a strong job description will pay off in the end when you have engaged candidates who are excited and actually well informed about the opportunity.Making a hirin g decision too quicklyWhen someone leaves, youll need to fill their position quickly so as to avoid putting too much strain on other employees. However, racing to make a hiring choice just to have someone in the role can ultimately come back to haunt you. Move quickly through the hiring process, but dont rush through it just so you can say the position has been filled. Youll want to make sure the choice you make is a good one, and that the new employee is actually a great fit for the open job.Immediately dismissing those who are currently unemployedGaps on a resume can cause an employer to raise an eyebrow, but dont automatically dismiss someone because theyre not currently working. If you like what you see, bring them in for an interview and give them a chance to explain why theyre not currently employed. You may find that they have a perfectly valid reason.Lastly, dont get too caught up in a persons resume. Sure, you need them to have the necessary training in order to be able to complete their job properly. However, there are certain skills you simply cant teach (such as enthusiasm for the job and the ability to work well with others) and youll want to be on the lookout for these abilities.Image Jakub Jirsak/BigStock.com

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

This winter workout doesnt even require you to leave your couch

This winter workout doesnt even require you to leave your couchThis winter workout doesnt even require you to leave your couchThe colder and darker it becomes outside, the more difficult it feels to muster up the motivation to head to the gym. So why not take the path of least resistance? You can score a legit workout from the comfort of your own home - hell, even from the comfort of your own couch.Thats right - this eight-move circuit workout keeps you connected to your favorite piece of furniture at all times while strengthening your arms, chest, legs and core simultaneously. Move through the circuit two or three times to gain the biggest benefits, and then bask in the glory of being the fittest lazy person out there. Ready to sweat? Queue up your latest binge show on Netflix and get moving.Incline Mountain ClimbersStart in a high plank position with your hands on the edge of your couch and the balls of your feet balancing on the floor. With your core engaged and hips level, driv e your right knee up toward your chest. Quickly switch feet and drive your left knee up toward your chest as you bring your right foot back to the floor. Continue alternating these mountain climbers for 30 seconds.Decline PushupsStart in a high plank position with your hands on the floor and the balls of your feet balancing on the edge of your couch. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart, your core engaged and your hips level. Slowly bend your elbows and lower into a pushup position, keeping your elbows tucked in toward your torso rather than splaying out to the sides. Push back up to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.Scissor KicksSit at the edge of your couch cushion and lean back slightly without touching the back of the couch. Lift your legs straight in front of you by engaging your core. Slowly lift your right foot over and across your left foot, bring your right foot in line with your left foot again, lift your left foot over and cross your right foot, and bring your lef t foot in line with your right foot again. Continue alternating these slow and controlled scissor kicks for 30 seconds.Knee Raise CrunchesSit at the edge of your couch cushion and lean back slightly without touching the back of the couch. Lift your legs straight in front of you by engaging your core. As you exhale, bend your knees and bring them in as close to your torso as possible. As you inhale, extend your legs straight out in front of you again. Thats one rep. Complete 15 with control.Raised Triceps DipsStart in a seated position with your hands on the edge of your couch close to your torso, your legs extended out in front of you and the heels of your feet balancing on the floor. Lift your hips to bring your glutes a few inches out and away from the edge of the couch, balancing on your hands. Bend your elbows straight back behind you, using your triceps strength to slightly lower your hips toward the floor, and then push yourself back up. Complete 15 dips before returning to th e seated position.Decline Spiderman PlanksStart in a high plank position with your hands on the floor and the balls of your feet balancing on the edge of your couch. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart, your core engaged and your hips level. Bend your right leg and bring your right knee as close to your right elbow as possible, and then return your right foot to the couch. Bend your left leg and bring your left knee as close to your left elbow as possible, and then return your left foot to the couch. Keep alternating sides for 30 seconds.Flutter KicksSit at the edge of your couch cushion and lean back slightly without touching the back of the couch. Lift your legs straight in front of you by engaging your core. Slowly alternate lifting your left leg slightly higher than your right and then your right leg slightly higher than your left. Continue your flutter kicks for 30 seconds before returning to the starting position.Russian TwistsSit at the edge of your couch cushion and lean ba ck slightly without touching the back of the couch. Lift your legs straight in front of you by engaging your core and bend your knees so they tuck in slightly toward your torso, leaving you balancing on your glutes. Grab a nearby pillow and hold it in front of you. Maintaining your balance and using your oblique strength, rotate your arms and upper torso to the right. Then twist the pillow over to your left side. Repeat 15 times on each side before taking a break.Thispostwas originally published onSwirled.comin the Thrive section, which covers valuable career and personal finance content for Millennials.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Here are some tips on having strong virtual presence as a leader

Here are some tips on having strong virtual presence as a leaderHere are some tips on having strong virtual presence as a leaderBeing perceived as a leader is the essence of leadership presence. While most of my coaching focuses on helping leaders enhance their presence in face-to-face encounters, I also realize that a different set of skills is required for projecting leadership presence when communicating virtually.Communication mediums run a spectrum from lean to rich. A lean medium transmits less information than a rich medium. If you are schmelzglasing, texting or typing in a chat window (lean mediums), there is nothing that gives added clues to the meaning of what you write. A communication channel becomes richer as you add human elements.Telephone calls and teleconferences give listeners access to vocal clues. Videoconferencing allows participants to view facial expressions and hand gestures. Whether in an email, over the telephone, or on a video conference, you can project le adership presence.EmailA recent report estimated that the average business person gets over 100 emails a day. Here are five ways to break through the clutter1. Start with a specific subject lineUsing a generic subject line like What do you think? or Checking in has much less impact than a specific Need suggestions for the meeting agenda by end of the day.2. Make your message clear and conciseBrevity makes a positive impact. People are mora likely to read short, concise emails than long, rambling ones, so make sure that your emails are as short as possible and try adding details in bullet points.3. Proofread your messageBefore you hit send, take a moment to review your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Your email messages are as much a part of your professional image as your body language. Dont diminish your leadership presence by sending out a message that contains typos.4. Wait 24 hours when youre upsetIts never a good idea to send an email when youre angry or in the throes of any strong negative emotion although weve all done this. If you compose an email in anger (or frustration or disappointment), wait a day before sending it. Then read it over and see if its reflective of how you want to be perceived. (Does it enhance or deplete your leadership presence?) In almost all cases, youll either re-write or delete the original.5. Dont wait to say thank youAnother distribution policy where timing matters is whenever you send a thank you email. But in this case, the sooner, the better. Dont wait days or weeks to express your appreciation. Do it right after the meeting - and youll greatly increase the impact of your positive comment.Telephone callsOn a telephone call its all in your voice. The words you choose, your speaking pace, volume, tone, inflection, pauses all communicate their own messages. When you want to sound like a leader . . . here are my top four tips1. Lower your vocal pitchThe quality of your voice can be a deciding factor i n how you are perceived. Speakers with higher-pitched voices are judged to be less empathic, less powerful and more nervous than speakers with lower-pitched voices.One easy technique to use before joining the conference call involves putting your lips together while saying Um hum, um hum, um hum. Doing so relaxes your voice into its optimal lower pitch.2. Stay focusedYou may think you are fooling people when you check your messages or file your fingernails during a teleconference, but you are not. People can hear the disconnect in your voice and it reduces your leadership presence.3. Sit up and smileSitting up, squaring your shoulders, and keeping your head straight gives you vocal energy and smiling puts warmth in your voice.4. Build virtual trustUse inclusive language we, us, together as much as possible.Take a few minutes for small talk at the beginning of the call. The more you and your caller get to know one another on a personal level, the more likely you are to trust each other.Instead of just reacting to what someone says, acknowledge her first by saying Thats an interesting point you just made , or What you said reminds me of or Building on your idea about Video conferencesIn video meetings, you add richer communication cues by offering a partial view (usually from your chest to the top of your head). And what people see is often more impactful than anything you say. Here are for things to remember when on camera1. Look like a leaderIt takes less than seven seconds for people to make judgments about your confidence, competence, professional status, and warmth. While a face-to-face meeting gives you added opportunities to create a positive impression (the way you enter the meeting room, shake hands, and so on), on the screen, its all about your visual presence. So be sure your grooming and wardrobe send the right message.2. Start off with the right attitudeRegardless of how tiring or frustrating your day may have been, before you go on camera pull your shoulders back, hold your head high, take a deep breath, and smile. Think about showing up as your best self exuding ease, confidence and warmth.3, Make eye contactEye contact is hugely important in nonverbal communication. If a speaker actively seeks out eye contact, she is judged to be more believable, confident and competent. In person this involves looking directly in someones eyes. In a video meeting, you have to maintain eye contact by looking into the camera when you talk and at the screen when others are speaking. Its a good idea to lower the monitor camera a little so that you dont have to tilt your head back to gaze up at it. (And if you use notes, attach them at camera-eye level.)4. Watch your gesturesIf you use open gestures, youll be perceived more positively. But be aware that too much hand movement can look jerky on screen so slow your gestures down for the best effect. Gestures that are so large that your hands go out of view are useless, so keep your hands i n the frame.Remember, too, that regardless of how comfortable you may be crossing your arms, this gesture is almost always perceived as a sign of resistance. And, since the human brain pays more attention to negative messages than it does to positive ones, people are unconsciously on the alert for signs that something is wrong.One final thought As important and pervasive as virtual communication is, when it comes to projecting leadership presence, nothing beats the impact you can make in person. Massari is a Vice President at Ceasars Entertainment. His advice If its not that important, send an email. If its important but not mission critical, pick up the phone. If its critically important to the success of your organization, go see someone.Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D. is an international keynote speaker and leadership presence coach.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

December 2018 Jobs Report

December 2018 Jobs ReportDecember 2018 Jobs ReportDecember capped a year of strong job growth as employers added 312,000 positions, beating expectations for year-end hiring by a wide margin. In total, more than 2.6 million new jobs were created in 2018, compared to about 2.2 million the year before.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the following sectors created the most jobs last monthEducation and health services 82,000 jobs addedLeisure and hospitality 55,000 jobs addedProfessional and business services 43,000 jobs addedConstruction 38,000 jobs addedManufacturing 32,000 jobs addedUnemployment edges up to 3.9 percentThe national unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9 percent in December, from 3.7 percent the previous month.The unemployment rate for college-degreed workers who are 25 or older decreased slightly to 2.1 percent. In November, the unemployment rate for these highly sought-after workers was 2.2 percent.What employers need to knowHeres an important question to consi der now that the new year has arrived How able is your company to compete for top talent in 2019? Yes, competition has been fierce for skilled talent - and it remains so. But there may be other factors affecting your firms hiring efforts.Common challenges includeFailing to offer a compensation package that is competitive enoughOverlooking the importance of talking up the unique aspects of your organizational culture, which can often be a make-or-break factor in hiringA hiring process that is too long and complicatedJob postings that are bland and boring - or overly specific (thus potentially deterring candidates who meet the core requirements from applying)Many in-demand professionals are beginning to look for new jobs right now - energized by the start of a new year. Dont miss this opportunity to show them why your company could be exactly what theyre searching for. You also may want to consider tapping a reputable staffing firm whose recruiting specialists can help you titel mo re ground and move fast to engage top candidates.START HIRINGWhat job seekers need to knowThe start of a new year is a time filled with promise. So, its not surprising that many professionals see January as an ideal month for launching a new job search. This can be a good time to enter the market, as many employers have fresh hiring budgets and new initiatives waiting to be staffed.However, despite the competition for skilled candidates, most businesses are still very selective when hiring. Ensuring that your job application materials clearly spell out the value you can bring to a potential employer can help you catch the attention of hiring managers.First, your resume must be up to date. It should reflect your most recent achievements and highlight your current skills and experience. And when applying for a position, take care to adjust the wording of your resume for that specific opening. Pull relevant phrases and keywords from the job posting so hiring managers can easily see you have the right qualifications.Take the same thoughtful approach with your cover letter, when you have the option to provide one. Many executives consider cover letters a valuable tool when evaluating job candidates. In short, a standout cover letter could be what prompts your target employer to look more closely at that resume you worked so hard to refine. Together, your cover letter and resume can do the hard work of earning you an interview - and an opportunity to win that new job youre aiming for in 2019.